Necessity to set up Wrong‐way Vehicle Detection systems in the implementation of intelligent transportation systems

Necessity to set up Wrong‐way Vehicle Detection systems in the implementation of intelligent transportation systems

Improving the quality and safety, improvement of traffic, respecting to law, standard, and mechanization if traffic control in transportation systems are the goals of the national macro Study and design of intelligent transportation systems. In recent years, the number of accidents due to driving in the wrong-way or opposite direction is increased.

Wrong-way drivers endanger not only their own lives, but also the lives of other people. The fatal accident have many social and economic consequences in the families of the victims and other people. Reducing the injury accidents within the urban and suburban transit systems is one of the goals of the intelligent transportation systems. The question arises whether intelligent transportation systems able to stop driving in the opposite direction? To overcome this problem, a Wrong‐way Vehicle Detection system is designed with two part: detection and warning. In this research, we plan to study common methods and new look to this systems to introduce the most effective way for implementing Wrong‐way Vehicle Detection system in Iran.

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